The election of the current committee took place at the club's AGM on 25th November 2024

As with every position held at the club, committee members are all volunteers and their contribution is vital in running the club effectively.

There are currently several vacancies on our committee, as follows:

Committee Roles Role description Further Information
Non Committee Roles Role description Further Information
Website Co-ordinator

Manages the clubs website. link and news articles

Please speak to a committee member for more information 
Social Media Co-ordinator

Manages the clubs social media feeds. Updates members and sends communications, feeding back issues, and advertising open meets, galas, etc.

Link to : 

Marketing and Communications Roles and Responsibilities


Please feel free to approach a member of the committee to discuss the roles above. 

Current committee members:

Chairperson - David Mead

President - Doug Whiltlam

Secretary - Victoria Malysz-Smith

Treasurer - Adam Cutts

Welfare officer - Claire Brinkworth

Membership secretary - James Mosley

Coaches representative - Doug Whitlam

Swimmers representative - Gye Whitlam

Open meets coordinator - Kunal Parekh

Swim shop coordinator - Sally Brindley

SwimMark representative - Nick Thomas